Monday, May 27, 2013

The Plan

As a starting point for my bridge, I took Zaha Hadid's Riverside Museum. The flowing form at first seemed sympathetic to the shape I had decided to pursue. My initial idea, prior to looking at Riverside, looked like this:

Next came Russell's frenetic lecture on The Plan, during which, Riverside was shown briefly. The plan that Russell showed looked like this:

But I preferred this:

Here I arrived at my starting point for my plan to section exercise, and here is where I got a bit stuck, mostly because I'm not interested in building Zaha Hadid's Riverside, simply because it isn't my own idea. Looking over this plan, however, I did draw some inspiration for a section drawing of a different kind. This is what I saw when I looked at the plan of Riverside, standing on end. This idea is oddly appropriate, because any school should be a place where ideas can spread their wings:

Even whilst firmly entrenched within the institution...

They should be able to take flight.

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